We’ve all heard the stories about how people got “lucky” in business or their career. I’ve been in the industry for a long time, and I’ve never seen anyone get by on luck alone. The only people I know who have done well have been successful with hard work, perseverance, and fortitude. Sure, someone may know the “right people,” but isn’t that a result of their strong networking skills? Unless you’re talking about the one in a million chance of winning the lottery, stop worrying about luck and get to work!
For years, I’ve been after one perspective client. I’ve had endless meetings with people in the organization. The result had always been the same. “We aren’t taking on any more vendors; try again next year; can’t help you; you aren’t big enough; you don’t have the expertise we’re looking for; etc…” Until one day, someone senior enough helped to make it happen.
You’ve probably hit the same road blocks at some point in your career. If you’ve overcome these barriers, then you know that the people who are “lucky” are persistent. Like us, they keep trying. They never give up.
Call it luck, call it meeting the right person at the right time, call it what you like. All I know is that many times I wanted to give up and I didn’t. And look at me now.
So, don’t ever say someone is “lucky.” You don’t know what that person had to go through to achieve their success. And chances are luck had little to do with it.
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